JIE International, LLC                                                                                                          


Helping Small and Mid-Sized Companies Grow Globally

Consulting and Advisory Services

Our network of seasoned executives, with extensive hands-on experience throughout Europe, North America, Asia and South America can provide frank, helpful support to initiate and successfully grow your global footprint.

Our team of experienced professionals have had direct hands-on experience in key industries, including Healthcare, Biotech, Consumer Products, Aviation, Security, Forensic Analysis, Material Sciences and Electronics

Trust is the most valuable resource in emerging growth markets.... and we can provide you with tools, contacts and direct help in building an organization and network of local trusted support resources.  


Foreign Market Entry Support

  • We provide market intelligence and field support (fluent/native english) for developing winning strategies to establish and grow your operation in global and emerging markets
  • We can help you develop a long term global and emerging market sourcing strategy 

Partner/Agent/Supplier Analysis

  • Local background and reputation checks
  • Legal and cultural guidance on relationship development
  • Dependable, local resources for translation and interpretation
  • Support in identifying qualified, dependable local supplier sources for exports to/from the U.S. or Europe

Building Winning Global Teams and Organizations

  • Training on culturual practices and norms
  • Attracting and retaining world class talent in emerging markets
  • Successfully installing Western governance practices (FCPA, SEC disclosure and reporting, UK Fraud act, etc..) in your non-U.S. locations